Temy's Bio

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About Me?

Why, I'm one o' them Lunatic Atheists of course!

My genetics (nature) and the life I've had thus far (nurture) have conspired to produce a rather anomolous creature. Somewhere around 5:00 am on March 23, 1958, I was born in Polk General Hospital in Cedartown, GA. I was my mom's only child and my dad's tenth. I am a seventh son! I began my "religious life" at around age 7 or 8, as a Jehovah's Witness, reading the Watchtower, and Awake! magazines, and the various other associated literature.
When I was 11 years old, my dad and I met another Witness on the sidewalk in front of the Georgia Power Office in Cedartown. The Witness explained to my dad why Armageddon would occur in 1975, while I did the mental calculations and literally peed my pants in fear that I would never live to see my 18th birthday.
Up to that point I had simply assumed that my elders knew more about God than I did and that what they told me was true. They had said that only 144,000 "Chosen Ones" would go to heaven to rule with God. I was extremely curious as to how one came to BE one of the "Chosen Ones." Thus began my search for truth which has lead, and continues to lead, me to strange places and conclusions indeed.
How unusual? Well, I actually understand what E=mc? means, I studied many religions, especially Christianity, from the inside and outside for many years, and am thus an atheist, a Freethinker, a humanist, an infidel, and a skeptic.

I've observed governments around the world in action and have studied political philosophy (among others) and am thus an Anarchist, and a Communist (most have no clue as to even the correct definitions of even two words, much less what it's all about); and I've observed the world's economies and thus know that a totally moneyless civilization is the only possibility for a truly fair and just economic system, therefore none of the above will ever come about because humans in general are still far too much in the grip of their primitive genetic and social programming to be much concerned about "fair" and "just". I'm weird in other ways too; I'm a man but I'd rather watch paint dry than watch sports on TV, I'm 49 years old, an only child, both parents deceased, I'm 5'7", weigh 200 pounds, and am a little funny-looking. I love to love females, love to have deep philosophical discussion, was a truck driver (loved the Truck Stops), have been frisked by cops in 3 countries, visited most states in this one. I'm a rolling stone, never want to stay anywhere very long. My philosophy is: "Okay, been there, done that. NEXT!" According to my cardiologist I have only 10% function of my heart, so I truly don't have time for crap. *

The History or Story Behind My Site

Depending on the topic of my site, I could include historical information about my subject. For example, if my site is about my business, I could discuss how my business got started. If my site is about a sports team, music group, movie star, or my family, I could chronologically list or summarize major events important to my topic.


My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site's topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

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